Flooid Power is an important new factor in the world’s renewable energy equation, with the ability to sustainably, generate significant power 24/7 anywhere in the world.
Environmental Benefits, Global Markets: Powered by the Planet℠, Flooid Power will directly address current and ongoing environmental concerns, both locally and globally. Flooid Power does not remove energy sources from the Earth, causing the climate crisis—as do fossil fuel mining, extraction, and combustion. Proliferation of Flooid Power technology will help bring truly sustainable development to the US and parts of the world that need it—no matter how remote or lacking in infrastructure.
Flooid Power’s standalone energy production will hasten infrastructure development in places where reliable electricity is currently unavailable, improving the quality of life and give access into regional and golbale markets with cheap uninterupted power of a modern sociaty. Lower short- and long-term costs make market entry possible for those lacking modern power infrastructure. Short payback time and profitability is ideal for farmers’ cooperatives, businesses, local governments, and other stakeholders.
Because of their streamlined design, our power systems will be fabricated efficiently using local high capacity suppliers at a pace to meet demand. Installation will be hassle-free for customers, with few onsite construction requirements. For new construction, Flooid Power can be incorporated into the design and blueprints of future buildings of large urban centers to conserve space and create an integrated grid.
The Flooid Tower system is designed primarily for micro-grids and distributed power applications, in which generation is sited close to the end user, improving demand response and minimizing line loss. Distributed generation systems significantly strengthen traditional power grids, adding redundancy and reliability. FPS towers can be scaled to meet virtually any requirement for power or site location.